Oxy Clarity for Oxygen

Oxygen Workflow enhancement plugin.
Special offer (adds 20,000 KBs to your nimbufy account)

While developing with Oxygen Builder for Oxygen, you deal with elements, that are styled by not just their ID, but classes as well, and then more than just one class. 

It is often confusing to figure out, if a particular style property is set in the ID of the element, or is it in a class, and then, which of the classes and where exactly?

Not only this, sometimes you have CSS parameters specified in the custom-css editor, and you may end up searching among various controls. It all ends up being very confusing.

Oxy Clarity makes things easy for you. Simply press alt click, on any of the property, and it will bring up the exact location, where the property is specified. If you click on the listed item, it will take you to the exact class or ID, where the property is specified.

Even if the property is specified in the custom-css, it will guide you to the exact location.

You can also set the modifier key to use alt, shift, command or control along with the click.

Oxy Clarity saves you a lot of time and frustration, and provides you with great speed and precision. It is a must have add on for developers using Oxygen Builder for WordPress.

Oxy Clarity Plugin deal is a lifetime license for max 4 websites